This page provides an overview of the choices available to mark a grave (or graves). The individual pages have more examples. All stones are available in a variety of granites. Certain cemeteries/societies may restrict what can be chosen.
What kind of monuments exist?
Monuments can be made in different sizes, shapes and colors. There are several standard average monuments you can choose from:- Footstone - placed at the foot of the grave. A standard footstone is 2-0 feet wide by 1-0 foot deep by 1-0 foot high.
- Grave Marker - placed at the foot of the grave, usually flush with the ground. Dimensions are 2-0 feet wide, 1-0 foot deep and 4 inches high.
- Slant Marker - placed at the foot of the grave. Dimension are 2-0 feet wide, 1-0 foot deep and 18 inches high.
- Single stone - placed upright at the head of the grave. Can be any size, shape or color ***. Average size today is 1-8 wide, 8 inches thick and 3-0 feet high, and on a base that is 2-0 feet wide by 1-0 foot deep by 1-0 feet high.
- Double stone - placed on two graves, usually inscribed on one side. Average size today is 3-6 wide, 8 inches thick and 3-0 feet high on a base that is 4-0 feet wide by 1-0 foot deep by 1-0 feet high. Any shape or color ***.
- Family stone - placed at the head of a family plot usually together with footstones as described above. Inscribed with the family name/s. Size depends on the size of the plot (usually 60 % of width of the plot) ***
- Bronze plaque - placed at the foot of the grave. Made of bronze, usually 2-0 wide by 1-0 foot deep and ¾ inch high. Sometimes put on a granite base or a footstone. ***
- Ledger - a granite slab that covers the entire grave, made of the same granite type as the monument, usually 2-0 feet wide, 6-0 feet long and 1-0 foot high. Sometimes placed in front of the base and other times the monument is placed on it.*** Most cemeteries require Perpetual Care payment; a one time only payment and you never have to pay for the care of the grave again.
- Open Bed - made of molded cement and will normally have plants or pebbles placed within. May have a scroll or book design on front nosing saying "At Rest". Mostly 2-0 feet wide by 5-0 feet long, but can be other sizes. ***
- Covered Bed - as above, but covered so nothing can grow inside.